Military Sea Services Museum
Military Sea Services Museum


Museum membership is open to individuals, organizations, and businesses that want to support and enhance the continued operation of the Museum.  Our members are located in all areas of the United States.


Requirements for membership are simple.  Museum membership is open to individuals 18 years of age or older, regardless of gender, race, or religion.  A military background is not required.  Membership is also open to any organization, church, or business wishing to support the Museum.

Terms of membership are as follows:

1.  One year.............................$25.00
2.  Five years............................$100.00
3.  Lifetime.................................$250.00
4.  Honorary..(Only with unanimous approval of the Board of Directors).


Membership in any of the above three paid categories will include a spouse and dependent children under the age of 18.  Membership will cease for dependent children upon attaining the age of 18.  Upon the demise of either adult member, membership will continue for the surviving member.


Click on "Membership Application" to download form.


Membership Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [133.9 KB]
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